sportyHQ calendar

Your connected calendar

SportyHQ’s calendar feature is aware of your tournaments, leagues and other events and will automatically update when details change.

sportyHQ Update once. Populate everywhere.

Update once.
Populate everywhere.

The SportyHQ calendar lets you create events, categorize those events, link them to facilities already stored in SportyHQ and fill in all the details you want people to know about your events.

sportyHQ Link calendar items to events

Link calendar items to events

You have the option to add calendar items linked to tournaments, leagues and other events. All calendar item details are automatically filled in from the event’s information, such as dates, sign up links and location information. If the event information changes, your calendar seamlessly updates along with it.

sportyHQ Accessible to your membership

Accessible to your membership

Your members and affiliates can easily see your calendar on your facility or organization’s profile page, as well as on their dashboards. And if you use SportyHQ's website platform, we offer easy integration options. If you want to extend beyond SportyHQ, you can access your calendar data through our API.

Go to our API

sportyHQ Share events between organizations

Share events between organizations

For national or international organizations, you can connect your calendar to your regional bodies through SportyHQ. Our calendar application allows you to filter events down to regional levels so one central calendar powers your entire organization. Similarly, events added at the regional level can populate on the parent organization’s calendar. Updates and changes occur simultaneously so that information only has to be updated once. And with a few clicks, you can even place your events on an interactive map.

Ready to get started?

The calendar feature is provided as part of our Facility and Governing body solutions. Learn more below.