sportyHQ calendar

SportyHQ for developers

Develop and connect with SportyHQ from your application.

sportyHQ Built with openness in mind

Built with
openness in mind

SportyHQ believes deeply in the synergy created through a connected world. Software applications that don’t close its doors to outside platforms offer so much more potential and flexibility. SportyHQ’s Application Program Interface (API) gives our customers the ability to extend the reach of their application and extract and analyze data.

sportyHQ Security first

Security first

SOur API has strict controls over the data can be accessed to ensure the integrity, security and ownership of our customers’ data. All SportyHQ API transactions occur over encrypted connections and each API request must be signed using our authentication system.

How other platforms
integrate with SportyHQ

Squash Levels
Squash Levels
Squash Levels uses the SportyHQ API to rank squash players in Great Britain across numerous platforms. Squash Levels uses the SportyHQ API to extract sanctioned results for inclusion in their platform. By doing so, they’re able to use the data to help deliver rankings to over 200,000 British squash players.
England Squash
England Squash
Using a combination of the SportyHQ APIs and the England Squash API, sanctioned England Squash events can check and validate their membership numbers and expiry dates.
Detroit Athletic Club
Detroit Athletic Club
Detroit Athletic Club uses the SportyHQ API to sync members from their club’s membership management system into SportyHQ’s court bookings application. They also use single sign on (SSO) functionality to sign their members into SportyHQ from their member portal.
Squash Levels
Scottish Squash and Racketball Association (SSRA)
The SSRA uses the SportyHQ API to help populate data on their website including their calendar, rankings and tournament pages.

Find out more

If you’re interested in integrating with our API, please fill in the form below to request access to our API documentation and credentials.