NWT Squash Territorial Championships

Recent Results
Brought to you by NWT Squash, the Racquet Club, and the Denesoline Corportation, this is our main tournament of the squash season.
Registration is now open. Sign up at sportyhq.com/tournament/view/NWT-Squash-Territorial-Championships. The entry deadline is Friday May 24th. All Levels of play are welcome and encouraged with out-of-town play beginning May 30th.

Adults – $135 + GST • Juniors and University students – $80 + GST - please note that students may be asked to provide proof attendance at their registered institution,

Entry fee includes tournament souvenir, continental breakfast and lunch on Saturday & Sunday, Steak or Lobster Dinner on Saturday evening and more! There will be draw prizes, a Lightning Round and more!
We will also be featuring exhibition matches with some of Canada's top squash players: Connor Turk, Ibrahim Elserafy, Mark Porter, Melina Turk, Nikki Todd, Catalina Paleaz and Giselle Delgado!
Photo Stream
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Where & When
Mon, May 27th 2019
Sun, Jun 2nd 2019
Sat, May 25th 2019 11:45pm

4002-49th Ave
Yellowknife , Northwest Territories X1A 2N4
Tournament Officials

Jeff Hipfner

Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada
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