20205 KZN Wilson Mini 2 (Only KZN Players)
21st Aug, 2020 - Please remember to fill in your daily Covid forms online https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1nkjKfFgzsc04-P4yhOt_ve4HkJ6ocGIpEUYa3n-kq2A/edit?usp=sharing Player Indemnity Form: TO BE COMPLETED ONCE FOR EVERY PLAYER BEFORE ARRIVAL https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1jvK9BtYmO2EtuD_4gPmcS-rzBXaS4JByjIOtFCFCfU0/edit?usp=sharing Courts will be allocated on arrival Face masks to be worn at all times
Recent Results
* This event is for players who are based in KZN no out of province players allowed as per the Level 3 regulations .
1. Mini-Series events will be played on a rating basis as the rankings will remain frozen until the return to major events i.e. Grand Prix, Growthpoints;
2. The Mini-Series are being held as a way to encourage match practice and played as rating events due to inter provincial travel not being permitted;
3. Initially the Mini Series will be played within the District i.e. Gauteng North only to play within Gauteng North and will not be able to enter events in Gauteng East;
4. Tennis needs to be able to show a slow return to events and to be able to manage low numbers of players at a time;
5. TSA will be releasing a calendar on a 6 to 8 week period to avoid unnecessary cancelling of events due to uncertainty over the revised school holidays and when inter provincial travel will be permitted;
6. The Junior Nationals in September is being postponed and further announcement will be made once more certainty is available concerning travel and school calendars;
1. Mini-Series events will be played on a rating basis as the rankings will remain frozen until the return to major events i.e. Grand Prix, Growthpoints;
2. The Mini-Series are being held as a way to encourage match practice and played as rating events due to inter provincial travel not being permitted;
3. Initially the Mini Series will be played within the District i.e. Gauteng North only to play within Gauteng North and will not be able to enter events in Gauteng East;
4. Tennis needs to be able to show a slow return to events and to be able to manage low numbers of players at a time;
5. TSA will be releasing a calendar on a 6 to 8 week period to avoid unnecessary cancelling of events due to uncertainty over the revised school holidays and when inter provincial travel will be permitted;
6. The Junior Nationals in September is being postponed and further announcement will be made once more certainty is available concerning travel and school calendars;
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Great experience


A very well organized event, especially under the Covid circumstances. Communication was excellent & great to get scores updated on Sporty Hq within 10 minutes.

Where & When
Fri, Aug 21st 2020
Sun, Aug 23rd 2020
Fri, Aug 14th 2020 11:45pm
Westridge Tennis Stadium
100 King Cetshwayo Hwy,Mayville
Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, eThekwini - Durban, KwaZulu-Natal 4001
South Africa
Sanctioned Event
Tournament Officials
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