Lebone  Tlape
Lebone Tlape

Gaborone , Central District, Botswana


SportyHQ Rating


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Lebone 's Rankings
Name Owner Rating System Position People Points
MS Tennis South Africa Custom 832 1974 51,440
MD Tennis South Africa Custom 443 1473 102,200
BS 12 Tennis South Africa Custom 125 487 51,440
BD 12 Tennis South Africa Custom 61 371 102,200
MS Junior Tennis South Africa Custom 689 1698 51,440
Mens Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 731 2031 76,990
BS 13 Tennis South Africa Custom 222 882 51,440
BS 15 Tennis South Africa Custom 420 1206 51,440
BS 17 Tennis South Africa Custom 574 1338 51,440
Boys U12 Combined Tennis South Africa Custom 107 535 76,990
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Rorisang Obuseng

Botswana , North-East District, Botswana

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