John Ward
John Ward

Leinster, Ireland


SportyHQ Rating


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John's Rankings
Name Owner Rating System Position People Points
Mount Pleasant Mount Pleasant LTC 21 71 1,014
high level Squash & Racquetball Victoria 2500 8078 1,014
All Rankings Squash Ireland 302 1613 1,014
All Men Squash Ireland 281 1241 1,014
O40 Men Squash Ireland 43 149 1,014
All Seniors Squash Leinster 110 376 1,014
Senior Men Squash Leinster 104 284 1,014
O40 Men Squash Leinster 17 40 1,014
Admin Squash Ireland 326 2102 1,014
Masters Men Squash Leinster 66 198 1,014
All Masters Squash Leinster 68 233 1,014
Test Ranking List Squash Leinster 179 1748 1,014
Leinster League Ranking Open Squash Leinster 179 1748 1,014
League 24/25 Ranking Mount Pleasant LTC 25 177 1,014
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Victoria, Australia
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